[Korea/Japan Adventures] Week 1 - Settling in Seoul

Hello all! I was hoping to get this up a little earlier but it feels like time has been passing very quickly recently. It's now been just over a week since we arrived in Seoul! We've definitely had some good adventures so far.

Korea/Japan Gap Year Trip - The Beginnings!

As of this tomorrow, I will be leaving the Aussie homeland and going on a 2 month South Korea and Japan trip!
I will be travelling with one of my closest friends, Helen and we've been dreaming of a trip like this since early high school however we never thought it'd happen.

Stylenanda 3CE Drawing Lip Pen Kit

This is a set of 12 beautiful lip pens from the Stylenanda 3CE brand. Described as a skinny lipstick that glides on like a crayon, these lip pens have a smooth texture and bold colour.
Read below for first impressions, photos and swatches.

M.A.C Viva Glam Ariana Grande Collection

The new M.A.C Viva Glam Ariana Grande collection has finally been released in Australia!
Every cent of the selling price for both the lipglass and the lipstick are donated to the M.A.C aids fund, which supports those who are living with HIV/Aids.
Read below for first impressions, photos and swatches!

February 2016 Favourites

The end of the month is upon us again and that means it's time for another favourites! I've tried out a few new products this month and now I'm here to show you some of best. So sit down, grab a snack and enjoy!

January 2016 Favourites

Wuah! It's that time of the month again! Well a couple of days late, but still! 
It's time once again to go through a few of my favourite products for this month. Some of these are new products that I've tried out this month and others are old faves. So why not talk through them today!

December 2015 Favourites

2015 has now come to a close! And now I'd like to share with you a few of my favourite products that I have enjoyed throughout the month of December. I will be going through a number of makeup, beauty, bath and other favourites. So feel free to have a little browse through and maybe even try out a few of these products for yourself?